Thursday, September 24, 2015

Project Proposal Summary

I will be creating a blog to detail the process I go through to research the Grubbs family of Loudoun County, Virginia. Not only will this document the digital resources I find, but it will also give me the opportunity to digitize any resources are not currently available in that format. I primarily plan to use the Thomas Balch Library and other local resources to learn more about the family farm in Hamilton, VA, the family, and more about Loudoun County in general. The buildings on the farm are now in ruins and used as a project for the Historic Archaeology class at Northern Virginia Community College (with Dr. David Clark). 

Ideally I would like to see where this project takes me and develop it as I go. Realistically I know that I won’t be able to digitize items like maps from the Thomas Balch Library, but hopefully there will already be some more recent maps created by Google Earth on which I can superimpose reference points. I also know of aerial maps that were created as early as the 1920s and 1930s of Loudoun County that I may be able to locate. There is also genealogy done on the family, so perhaps creating a visual representation of a family tree will be possible. With permission from the current land owners I would like to photograph the ruins as they lay now, and hopefully locate any existing photos from the buildings when they stood.  

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